
Monday, December 18, 2006

Mom and Dad came to visit!!! Part 3

Day 8. Friday, after getting the kids off to school we walked through the Altstadt again. We stopped at Gundel for some soup, cake and coffee and Mom and Dad wanted to see the Alte Bruke once again and the view of the castle from the Alte Bruke. We were heading toward Philosopher's Way, thinking that if we felt like it we would make the climb.

The weather was really nice and we were feeling pretty good so we decided to take the steps up to Philosopher's Way from the base of the Alte Bruke. Here we are on our way up - it did try to rain a bit as we climbed but not enough to stop us!

We were so glad we made the climb. The weather cleared for a while and Heidelberg was looking its finest for Mom and Dad's visit!

Friday evening we went to Ellen's school to watch her play basketball - go Lions!

A close one but a loss - bummer!

Day 9. Saturday we got in the car and followed the team bus to Ellen's second game of the week. We hoped to stop along the Weinstrasse along the way (wine road - lots of winerys to tour) but to get to her game we had to go in with the bus. So we watched a lot of basketball and ate some American food - Burger King! Joseph and Daniel ate like they hadn't been fed in weeks!

The fans!

Day 10. Sunday we went to church, came home for dinner and then walked to the Heidelberg castle. Mom and Dad had gotten a preview the day we went to Konigstuhl but not the full tour. Ellen, Joseph and Daniel served as tour guides, again remembering all the interesting stories our professional tour guide told us last March.

We think this is the room where Ellen will have her prom this spring. Poor thing, prom in a castle...

Is this the big wine barrel?


Grandma is stepping in the footprint! She will live a wonderful life that will bring her back to Heidelberg! Yay!

Always climbing...

After climbing the 315 steps up, touring the castle and grounds and then taking the sloping way back down it was time to find the car and drive to Dilsburg.

Mom and Dad had read the Dilsburg section in Twain's "A Tramp Abroad" and were anxious to see the place his story described.

Unfortunately, the castle was closed for the winter so we couldn't get inside or climb the tower.

However, Dilsburg's Weinachtsmarkt was in full swing so we were able to enjoy that. I think everyone in the whole town was out and about. Bands with members from kindergarten to senior citizens were playing music as well as individuals. The food and gluhwein were smelling great!

Splashing chocolate and gluhwein in Dilsburg - a great way to end a fabulous week! Thanks so much for coming Mom and Dad! We love and miss you bunches! When are you coming back? :)


Blogger swyn613 said...

Hey Dr. Tolsma!
Good to see pics of what y'alls are up to (thank you raiderblogs:). I'm jealous! Happy New Year!
~Sarah Wynia

12:25 PM  

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