
Saturday, June 16, 2007

Nancy, France

June 7th was a German holiday. Jeff did not have to work and the boys had no school but Ellen did. We looked for an interesting place to go within reasonable driving distance (for Americans :) ) and decided on Nancy, France. We left about the same time Ellen left for school. The drive was a bit longer than we expected but the day was sunny and warm and we were in France one more time before we had to head back to the US.

We parked near this statue. We love digital photography - we take a picture of landmarks near where we park every place we go - just in case we can't find our car.

This is La Basilique St-Epvre - the huge cathedral in Nancy.

This is the entrance to the palace which contains a beautiful square with gilded gates.

We can't go to France without stopping at a bakery for a fresh croissant!

This is the miniature Arch de Triumph.

This is the Primatial Cathedrale built in the early 1700's.

We found this beautiful park, Parc de la Pepiniere.

This is the inside of La Basilique St-Epvre.

It was such a beautiful day we decided to return to the Parc de la Pepiniere with fresh baguette and French cheese for a picnic lunch.

These flowers were planted in the patterns and colors of flags of many countries.

This is the church of St. Pierre.

This is the Eglise Notre Dame de Bon-Secours (under renovation).

And the Eglise Saint-Sebastien.

We had a very fun day and were back in Heidelberg in time for supper with Ellen.


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