
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

HHS Baccalaureate

HHS held baccalaureate on June 3rd at the Holy Spirit (Heiliggeist Kirche) Church in Heidelberg. Ellen accompanied the madrigal vocal group who performed at the service.

I went to the service. Jeff and the boys walked to the church with me - we stopped for some coffee and cake.

It was a lovely service and the setting was unbeatable! Ellen was thrilled to be able to play piano in a venue like this!

After the service the graduates, their families and friends came out into the Hauptstrasse/Marktplatz area for cake and punch. They were serenaded by a bagpipe group in traditional Scottish garb.

Ellen made some very good friends this year! Graduation was the following Sunday. Ellen played her French horn for graduation. She came home with tears - she will miss her friends and she said the graduation ceremony was unbelievable. Each senior read a 30-word maximum dedication, there were fireworks, etc. etc. I'm glad she got to experience it as a junior at least.


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