
Wednesday, March 07, 2007


When Jeff and I were in Germany about 18 months ago we drove some of the Romantic Road, stopping at a few places along it. One of our favorite stops was Nordlingen and ever since we told the kids about it and showed them the pictures they have wanted to go. So, after leaving Schloss Neuschwanstein we drove north to Nordlingen. Nordlingen is a small medieval town that is still surrounded by its original, circular 14th century walls. The town lies in the Ries Basin which is a 25 km-diameter crater created by a meteorite many millions of years ago. The best view of Nordlingen are seen from the top of Daniel's tower - the 90 meter tall tower of St Georgskirche (one of the largest churches in southern Germany - it towers over the town). It was especially important to our Daniel that he master all 350 steps of Daniel's tower!

Another fun bit of Nordlingen trivia is that Nordlingen is the town that Willy Wonka flies over with Charlie in the glass elevator at the end of the original Willy Wonka movie! Check it out - you can see how huge St Georgskirche is in that film.

Some views from the top of Daniel's tower...

Time to set the navigation system for "home". We all need a good night's sleep and to be ready for school and work tomorrow!


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