
Thursday, February 15, 2007

Misc #5

We have been quite busy with work, school and other activities so we haven't gone on any little excursions lately. We do have two planned for the next two weekends though so look for those coming up on the blog! Meanwhile here are some pictures to show you some of what we have been up to...

The boys' school had a winter dinner at the Kulturbrauerei Heidelberg. We started with a tour of the brewery and it was really interesting! The brewmaster was our tour guide. We learned that according to a 1511 law, German beer can only contain four ingredients - water, yeast, malt and hops! All the different kinds of beer come from different malts, hops and how the brewmasters do the brewing - temperature, pressure, time, etc.

Of course the tour included a taste of each of the three beers brewed at the Kulturbrauerei!

Dinner at the restaurant after the tour was wonderful! We had a great time! We would love to take any visitor for dinner there - hint hint!

We found a club basketball team for Joseph to join. He practices Mondays and Wednesdays after school and has games on the weekends. The gym where they practice is just a 10 minute walk from our house so it's really convenient. He is loving it and they really work the boys hard! Lots of running!

Ellen has also been spending a good deal of time on the court. Tonight is the team's last conference game and next week is the European championships.

Daniel patiently watches lots of games and has recently become a huge Beatles fan :) !


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