
Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Karneval is sort of a German version of Mardi Gras or perhaps Mardi Gras is an American version of Karneval. (Also called Fasching in other parts of Germany). It officially begins back in November but is really celebrated in the few weeks before Ash Wednesday. The wildest Karneval is in Koln (Cologne) but Heidelberg did have a parade down the Hauptstrasse on "Fat Tuesday". Jeff and I walked down to check it out. The boys were playing at a friend's house and Ellen had school (all just as well - it was wild). Here is a sample...
Did it resemble Tulip Festival - no, not really. They were throwing candy from "floats" but also handing out beer. People were popping champagne and yelling "Hi-O" or something like that. Bands were playing. The most fun were the outrageous costumes!


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