
Monday, August 07, 2006

8 August 06

We have had an amazing first three weeks in Germany! The company has been so helpful. There was more furniture than we expected in our house when we arrived (including beds that were already made!) Our frig was stocked with food too! We spent the first week getting paperwork done and buying the rest of our furniture (which was really fun!) We have a spare bedroom equipped with a pull-out double bed and Ellen has an extra pull out single trundle in hers -- hint hint - come visit!

Day trips:
We managed to do quite a bit of sight-seeing already! We went to Rothenburg -- a quaint little touristy town just about 45 minutes from here where we climbed a crazy high tower and toured a museum of old torture equipment. We also walked all the way around the town - mostly on the old sentry walk at the top of the city walls, which are still intact.

A week ago we hiked up Philosopher's Way (just a short walk from our house) to become inspired by walking in the footsteps of all the great thinkers that have walked there before and get some great views of the castle.

On Saturday we hiked to the castle (just a few minutes from our house), took a 1904 train straight up the mountain (a 40% grade at some points) to Kornigstuhl (king's chair) and then hiked about 10-12 miles up and down the mountain. It is beautiful. We were exhausted!

Sunday we went to a little town called Dilsburg, just a short drive from here. Dilsburg is an old walled city and castle built at the top of a small but very tall hill/mountain. From the hill you (and past inhabitants) have/had a great view. (This is most likely why this was one of the only towns not taken in the 30 years war.) Mark Twain describes the hill as an inverted deep bowl and has some interesting legends to tell about Dilsburg in "A Tramp Abroad". We walked the old city wall, climbed a castle tower, wandered into a beautiful church and explored a secret tunnel carved into the rock of the mountain.

One of the highlights of our first two weeks in Europe was a three-day trip to Paris before Jeff started work. We met Laurie and Jamie and some of the students who were with them in France for the month of July. We saw so many things I never thought I would see in my lifetime -- Notre Dame, Saint Chapelle, the Arc du Triumph, the Louve (the Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo, etc.), the Eiffel Tower, etc. Paris is beautiful -- just as you would picture it! We did not have nearly enough time there but with Jamie and Laurie to help orient us we think we can do a longer trip later, combining it with a day trip to Omaha beach by car. We have a good idea of where to stay and how the metro works.

General news:
All of us are doing well. The kids are anxious for school to start so they can meet some friends -- apparently mom and dad get boring after a while. We have visited their schools and practiced taking the bus (Ellen) and tram (boys). We have also been spending time at various parks, the zoo and the pool when it is warm enough. Except for the first week we were here the weather is cool. Many days require a sweatshirt.

Jeff is settling in at work - anxious to find a routine, I think.

We have been attending the English Church -- an Anglican Church about 2 blocks from our house. I don't know if this will be our church home but we like many things about it.

We have all been getting in good shape by having to take the 50 steps to our front door and by walking/running. We all seem to be inspired by running on the banks of the Necker in the shadow of the castle.

We miss you all and look forward eagerly to mail, email and blog comments! I will make a separate posting with photos!


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